We Fly: Cirrus Vision Jet G2+

When you ride the chute down, what kind of sensations can you expect? Skydivers have one response to this question, and that is determined by the parachute that they strap themselves into. The pilots who have put a variety of aircraft through their early paces while they were still in the experimental stage may be familiar with another occurrence: the release of a flight-test airframe chute to recover during spin testing that went wrong, or an airframe accident. Someone in the future will be flying a Cirrus SF50 and at some point will activate the emergency parachute by pulling the lever on the Cirrus Airframe Parachute System. The business wants everyone who will fly in its single-engine Vision Jet in the left seat to experience what it is like to fly in that position so that pilots will be able to do it if they need to, but only if they have the conscious determination to do so.
When you hand over control of the aeroplane to a piece of cloth that is suspended on strong cables somewhere above the airframe, many pilots, including myself, will feel unpleasant or even worse. This is because you will be swinging like a pendulum below the piece of fabric. When I flew in the company’s Vision Jet G1 simulator during the fall of this past year at the Vision Center in Knoxville, Tennessee, I was able to demonstrate that the feeling of this remains with you. And because of that, I think the majority of us are able to avoid randomly pulling on that handle.
But it was on a test flight of the most recent version of the Vision Jet, the G2+, from Chattanooga (KCHA), Tennessee, to Hagerstown (KHGR), Maryland, in early July, when we came across a long climb over unexpected ice. The journey was from Chattanooga, Tennessee, to Hagerstown, Maryland. Even though we never even came close to using that particular checklist, the fact that this is the only jet with the remaining option accessible factored into my train of thought. There is a sense of ease that comes along with that, but it also comes with a unique type of responsibility.
First Impressions of the Cirrus Vision Jet G2+
And it is one that now extends to the addition of Safe Return, which is the Cirrus moniker for Garmin’s Autoland system, which won the 2021 Flying Innovation Award. The G2 platform was created around the potential to land the aeroplane without any involvement from the pilot.
The rear section of the Vision Jet’s fuselage is shaped like a v to better accommodate the placement of the aircraft’s single turbine engine.
Experimental Flights
The cold rain that fell in Tennessee on the morning of July came as a surprise, and to be honest, it did not bode well for a demo pilot who was hoping to show off their hot-and-high-altitude performance. It wasn’t my first time flying with Cirrus Aircraft’s Matt Bergwall in the SF50, which was a fortunate turn of events. A few months before, we had spent a few hours playing the straight G2 version, in addition to having a lengthy session in the simulator. A little bit later, we’ll talk more about that, as well as its importance in both the initial type rating and the recurrent training.
Bergwall and I gave a briefing on the new features of the G2+ before we gathered together for the flight. The new features centred around an update to the Williams International FJ33-5A engine that expanded temperature limits. This update made it possible to use more of the thrust that was available at high temperatures and field elevations. This would lead to a predicted jump of twenty percent at the airports in the system that are located at the greatest elevations, as well as a noteworthy four percent reduction in the distance between the airport and the takeoff and landing points at sea level. Additionally, we would have the opportunity to witness the most recent improvement made to the jet’s connectivity: the installation of in-flight Wi-Fi provided by Gogo.
When Bergwall picked me up at Wilson Air Center on the west side of the field in Chattanooga, I ought to have been aware of the juju that I would carry with me on the flight; alternatively, he ought to have been more sceptical of what I would bring with me. In the two days that we have spent flying the jet together so far, we have been successful in amassing a sizeable quantity of mixed ice on both of those days. Matt, use this as a caution for the next time! But I’ll say it again: it was educational on a variety of fronts.
On our first flight in the previous G2 model, N858AG, back in December 2020, the ice was not only anticipated — yeah, December — but it was also wholly expected, given the reports of light rime on the descent from Delta and Envoy flights coming into Knoxville that morning. This was the case because of the reports of light rime on the descent from Delta and Envoy flights coming into Knoxville that morning. What we picked up in the transit between 2,500 and 10,000 feet — though not anything to brush off — was a nonevent, save for the fact that it gave me a good sense of how the deice and anti-ice systems work on the SF50. We had a lot of room under the overcast and only a thin layer to contend with, so what we picked up in the transit between 2,500 and 10,000 feet was a nonevent. As soon as we hit the clouds, we activated the boots, as well as the engine anti-ice that we had activated shortly after departure, and the alcohol-based ice protection system that was installed for the windshield.
Let’s fast forward to the month of July this year. When we went out onto the ramp to N275CM in the morning, the morning showers had stopped, which provided us with some insight into the amount of moisture that was contained within the clouds that were above us. After we had finished our preflighting, loading, and were ready to depart, we took one more glance at the weather forecast for the 454-nautical-mile journey that lay ahead of us. There was some convective activity buried in the layers that was focused around 65 nm south of the Volunteer VOR (VXV) in Knoxville; however, the cells were widely spaced out and there were no pireps of note to speak of. We intended to ascend to the maximum cruising altitude of the aeroplane, which was 31,000 feet, in order to take advantage of any potential increase in speed that we may discover up there.
We took off from KCHA carrying nearly full fuel (270 gallons), which was sufficient plus more than ample reserves for the trip, as well as our 650 pounds of people and baggage; the flight planned 131 gallons plus 52 gallons of reserve fuel equaled 183 gallons of the 296-gallon usable capacity, which was 1,231 pounds. We did not expect to see much of a change in terms of takeoff performance at KCHA, so we did not prepare ourselves for it.
This is exactly the kind of journey that the private jet was made for. The Vision Jet can carry a full tank of fuel and comfortably travel more than 1,000 nautical miles with two passengers and their belongings. Adding that third or fourth person (depending on their size), reduces the range from the maximum of 1,275 nautical miles to approximately 800 nautical miles plus IFR reserves. However, in operational terms, owners rarely push up to that limit since it is impractical. According to Bergwall, there are just four passengers or less on board for 90 percent of all flights.
As we rose to an altitude of 16,000 feet, we moved over the freezing level. As I peered out through the hazy air and toward the wing, I waited for what was inevitably going to happen. That’s right, I found it. We had already turned on the engine anti-ice, which is not only a good idea in visible moisture but also the “law,” but we waited to turn on the wing and stabilator boots (which are controlled by a single switch in the SF50 because you don’t want one set without the other) until the buildup began in earnest. This was because you don’t want one set without the other. You will notice a slight decrease in performance when using the boots due to the fact that they are powered by the bleed air from the FJ33; however, you are able to keep them on indefinitely, which is an advantage over the TKS-based ice protection featured on the SR series.
And it did, with even less camouflaged hostility than the ice that we encountered during our flight in December of 2020. We were content to sit in silence as the gradual ascent proceeded, but even the slightest shift in weight that was caused by the rise slowed us down significantly. I am aware that I was looking upward with anticipation, searching for the sun. I must confess that I let out a small sigh when the light began dancing again on the glareshield 5,000 feet higher and 8 minutes later. In this regard, I have the impression that my experience is similar to that of many other pilots who are switching to the SF50 from a high-performance single or twin aircraft and learning about the flight levels above 24,000 feet for the first time — or increasing the amount of time they spend in these altitudes. Because of this, you will be more susceptible to the weather at high altitudes, which can include icing conditions that aren’t always accurately predicted.
The instructor at High Performance Aviation and owner of the company acknowledges that this is an important area of concentration for pilots who are transferring. According to Ray, “even with larger jets, the majority of pilots would tell you that they don’t want to hang around under icing conditions for very long.” “It is important for new Vision Jet pilots to get experience flying in a variety of icing conditions so that they can make an informed decision about whether or not to fly through the icing, change their altitude, or change their heading. Even though it is equipped with FIKI, a plane is not immune to the effects of icing in all weather conditions in the same way that piston-powered aircraft are. It will pay dividends in terms of safety if you have a healthy respect for icing. ”
Trails of melting ice coursed across the windshield and down each side of the fuselage as the aircraft flew 17 nautical miles south of Volunteer in direct sunlight at an altitude of 240 feet and a temperature of -12 degrees Celsius. We had delayed activating the in-plane switching goo on the windscreen because we knew that the sun was going to be out soon and that we would have a pleasant, solar-filled descent and landing ahead of us. In any other circumstance, we would have been able to activate it in either the low or high mode to free ourselves from the frozen peril and regain our forward visibility.
Maintaining Our Connections
Now that we were cruising along at FL 310, we had two objectives: first, we wanted to achieve a true airspeed of more than 300 knots; second, we wanted to investigate the connectivity package that has been hailed as the principal highlight of the most recent G2 model.
As we waited to break through the ice that was obviously preventing us from reaching the first goal, Bergwall began to adopt the restless air of a test pilot. I tried to calm his anxieties by suggesting that we use the Cirrus Perspective Touch platform to make use of the tried-and-true music that can be found on SiriusXM channels like the Love channel and Bluegrass Junction. When he did, he found Road Trip Radio, which seemed to be a fitting choice for our trip up north.
Unruffled and free of confusion, Bergwall took me on a tour of the system pages that are located on the right-side multifunction display. These pages make it possible for the pilot to maintain track of all the essential parameters while the aircraft is in flight, down to a level of detail that is pilot-satisfying. The deice and anti-ice system map was of particular interest, and it allowed us to see at a glance the status of the left and right pitot-tubes and angle-of-attack indicator heat, as well as the level of the IPS fluid, the temperature and pressure of the engine inlet, the temperature of the engine TT2-probe, and even the temperature of the air in the boots (205 degrees C, by the way, when we checked it).
The environmental systems page displayed the current temperature and pressure within the cabin, as well as the temperature and pressure of the bleed air. It also displayed the current oxygen-fill level. Little green fan icons suggested that everything was seemingly good with the cabin-air circulation, and a check-in with our back-seat passenger elicited a thumbs-up from his capacious perch, from where he could shoot photos of all the action that was going on. On a page devoted to the electrical system, a chart was depicted that included the primary and important buses (both forward and aft), the emergency bus, as well as the state of both of the scheme’s generators and batteries. A website devoted to the fuel system presented our on-board gasoline in the form of a straightforward diagram.
During the course of the flight, the Gogo L3 Wi-Fi transceiver and antenna that were placed into the G2+ that we flew and that are also included in the connectivity-upgrade package for the newest model operated as expected. In this particular instance, “Level 3” refers to the 3G network that the system is connected to. Hence, the L3 abbreviation. Gogo also offers an L5 system that will utilise 5G, although as of this writing, it is only accessible on a select few different platforms.
The system is based on the Garmin Flight Stream 510, which has been a part of the jet ever since it was first manufactured. The Garmin Flight Stream 510 is a wireless link that enables the pilot to upload a flight plan to the Perspective Touch using an iOS device like as an iPhone or iPad. People on board were also able to use an Iridium satcom transceiver to send and receive text messages and make and receive phone calls. The Avance L3 that we observed in action at altitudes as low as 3,000 feet above ground level eliminates the requirement for the satellite communication system, provided that you are not outside the range of a cellular network.
I got the impression that Bergwall was hoping for a little bit more fairy dust to be showered down upon us from the speed gods, and for a few special minutes, approximately 225 nautical miles out from KHGR, we topped 300 knots. With that magic on full display, I could tell that Bergwall was hoping for a little bit more fairy dust to sprinkle down upon us from the speed gods. Although the book states that the SF50 reaches its maximum speed at FL 280, where it is capable of reaching 311 ktas under some circumstances, we were flying at an outside air temperature of minus 32 degrees Celsius while displaying 31 percent thrust. We did our best.
We played about with the enhanced-vision-system display in between a few turns of the heading bug to sneak by a pair of towering CUs [AC2] on the descent. This display would illustrate the power of its infrared camera at night or in low visibility conditions. In addition to this, we went over the numerous ways in which the two 14-inch monitors may be used to organise the data that the user has close at hand. All of this is controlled by the three touchscreen controllers that are horizontally arranged in the console below. The pilot has options like split screens and reversionary modes to choose from.
Having a high density
Following our landing in Hagerstown, we immediately took off for a quick repositioning flight into Manassas (KHEF), Virginia, where we were able to evaluate the aircraft’s performance in hot and humid circumstances for the first time. The projections were generated for us by the flight-management system contained within the Perspective. On the ramp, the effective field elevation, also known as the density altitude, showed that it was 3,064 feet above mean sea level when the total air temperature was 35 degrees Celsius (95 degrees Fahrenheit). Not the heights of a mountain, but also not a breezy day at sea level either.
We were looking at a takeoff ground roll of 2,661 feet with an aircraft that weighed 4,972 pounds, and a distance of 3,949 feet over the obstacle that was 50 feet tall. A starting ascent rate of 1,162 feet per minute was what we should anticipate. At Hagerstown, we utilised considerably under half of the complete runway length, which was 7,000 feet, due to the fact that the typical pilot’s proficiency at the controls was below average.
Even without the autothrottle that is found on the G2 and G2+, the Williams FJ33-5A engine that is found in the SF50 could hardly be easier to manage. In fact, this is one immediate benefit that pilots who are moving up the food chain from futzy-feely high-performance turbocharged piston engines will notice.
According to Max Trescott, a veteran flight teacher located in San Jose, California who is certified in the SF50, “The Vision Jet is by far my favourite aircraft to fly.” “Despite the fact that I log a significant amount of flight time in the Vision Jet, I’ve only completed one SOE [supervised operating experience; typically a session of 25 hours with an experienced pilot sitting in the right seat] because Cirrus prefers to conduct the majority of those training sessions with their own instructors. I spend a lot of my time working with low-time Vision Jet pilots, either before they head off to do their type training or after they’ve completed their SOE.
Only one area of engine control is a cause for concern, according to Trescott: “The one thing rookie SF50 pilots regularly forget is to cut the power after takeoff; the FJ33-5A has a maximum power limitation of 5 minutes,” he says. “When using the autothrottle in the G2 and G2+, that power decrease happens automatically, but pilots in the G1 need to remember to do it manually.”
Ray observes that the autothrottle is something that transitioning pilots need to pay close attention to. “The use of an autopilot or autothrottle can make a flight safer; nevertheless, if the pilot is inexperienced or not properly taught, the flight could be more hazardous. After receiving their type rating, pilots of G2 aircraft will wish to receive specialised instruction in the aircraft in order to master the peculiarities of flying the SF50 with the autothrottle. This is necessary because of the intricacies of the automation.
This is a simulation of the Chute Pull.
Trescott gave credence to a hunch I had regarding descent planning, which is the area in which pilots making the switch from the SR22 or other similar high-performance singles would find the greatest demand for a shift in their way of thinking. When it was time to begin the descent from flight level 310, and we needed to make a crossing restriction that was applied by Washington Center that seemed fairly modest, I initially selected a descent rate of about 800 feet per minute. I experienced this on my own flights. When it came time to initiate the descent from flight level 310, and we needed to make the crossing, I selected a descent rate of about 800 feet per minute. It was clear that wouldn’t be enough.
In Trescott’s opinion, “the most consistent area of attention after receiving the type rating is getting pilots comfortable to handling their descents from the flight levels,” and he bases this on his own personal experience. It typically takes newly minted jet pilots some time to grasp that if ATC keeps them up high for an excessive amount of time, and as a result, they wind up flying high and fast. The majority of them will programme the autopilot to descend at a rate of 500 feet per minute, which is suitable for piston-powered aircraft but is frequently insufficient for descending from flight levels. Because many IFR pilots haven’t had much experience with arrival procedures in the past, unless they happened to be based at a particularly major airport, one of the most common challenges they face is learning how to use arrival procedures correctly.
Ray was of the same mind. According to him, the majority of jet pilots prepare for a descent route that is closer to an angle of three degrees. “Because of the pressurisation system, pilots no longer have to worry as much about keeping a descent rate of approximately 500 feet per minute in order to keep passengers comfortable. The rate of descent inside the cabin of the aircraft can be kept within an acceptable range for the “perceived” rate of descent that the passengers experience, allowing the aircraft to drop at a much quicker pace. Because it is not as quick as standard two-engine business jets, the SF50 is actually able to reach certain steeper descent grades without much effort on the pilot’s part. Why would anybody want to do something like this? When it comes to saving fuel, flying at a high altitude for as long as possible is the most important thing for jet pilots. Because of its performance and flight characteristics, the SF50 is able to stay in the air for longer at greater altitudes, and then it can descend at steeper angles in order to maximise its efficiency or comply with crossing regulations. It is helpful to practise a range of different circumstances in order to become familiar with how to manage the mental descent planning in addition to the VNAV programming and automation.
Another method of descent is the CAPS, which is one that pilots pray they will never have to use. It is also a technique that I have had the good fortune to practise in the simulator, if you can call an exercise that focuses primarily on the mind “practise.” After you have completed the checklist and pulled down firmly on the handle, the aeroplane will pitch up in the event that you need to bleed off speed. After that, the deployment of the chute will cause you to experience a further pitch-up attitude just after the straps begin to extend, followed by a pitch-down attitude just before the aeroplane settles into a somewhat level drop. Until you are somewhat close to the ground, it will be difficult to determine that you are descending at a velocity that ranges from 900 to 1,500 feet per minute.
With the G2 update, the simulator now provides users with the capability to carry out the Safe Return function, which can be thought of as a third safe route down. Anyone on board the jet is given the ability to manage their own descent and landing thanks to Safe Return, which uses the brains behind the Perspective system in addition to the mechanical means to descend, land, and brake the jet to a stop for someone who for whatever reason cannot do it themselves.
The first pull of the CAPS handle in real life took place in the year 2002, which was four years after the first chute was placed on a production SR20. Cirrus waited in expectation for this moment and was not disappointed. And I’m convinced that each and every employee at the organisation holds the wish that Safe Return will never be called into action. The actual “plus” in the G2 comes from this option, provided the pilot fulfils their responsibilities to train and brief themselves appropriately prior to its deployment.
Training Takeaways
The nine-day training programme offered by the Cirrus Vision Center at the Knoxville airport has been completed by more than 400 type-rated pilots, who have flown a combined total of more than 250 SF50 aircraft. In addition, the majority of them have had the chance to practise dealing with irregularities and unexpected events on the center’s full-motion, Level D flight simulator. The 25 hours of SOE are included in the phase that comes after training, and after that the pilot is put into a cycle of recurrent training and continual education, hopefully for the rest of their lives.
“I spend a lot of time reviewing the aircraft systems prior to going back for recurrent training,” says Trescott, in reference to the way that he prepares for the recurrent training that he pursues each year to meet both insurance and personal standards. “I spend a lot of time reviewing the aircraft systems prior to going back for recurrent training,” says Trescott. “I spend a lot of time reviewing the aircraft “Compared to a piston aircraft, the SF50 has a great number of systems, and each one is more complicated, so there is a lot to keep in mind. In order to assist with the evaluation, I have comprehensive notes that I put out based on the original type rating. There are also a number of items on the emergency checklist that are committed to memory, and I make it a point to review them during the year.
Additionally, Ray provides some helpful hints, saying, “When I go back for recurrent on any plane, the things I like to review specifically are limitations, memory items, emergency checklists, systems, and flight profiles.” When I’m trying to visualise a procedure, I like to “chair fly” in front of a panel poster. This is especially helpful for procedures that require me to remember multiple steps in sequence.