Top 10 Longest Range Private Jets

When compared to other types of jets, the distance that private jets that have long ranges are capable of traveling is significantly greater. This is typically the case either due to the fact that they are smaller in size, have larger gas tanks, or are capable of traveling at a higher speed, which enables a greater distance to be covered in a shorter amount of time.
Long-range private jets have the potential to cut down on the total amount of time spent traveling because they typically require less time to complete a given task and do not need to make as many pit stops for fuel. Due to the fact that they are private aircraft and do not require any cooperation from commercial airlines, another advantage of using them is that they can travel to virtually any location without incurring any additional costs.
Because of their superior capabilities in terms of altitude, speed, and range compared to those of other aircraft currently available, private jets are regarded as the most cutting-edge and opulent mode of flight. However, even the many different types of private jets with the longest ranges have similarities and differences among themselves. The following is a list of the ten private jets on the market that are considered to have the best range.
1. Bombardier Global 8000
The Bombardier Global 8000 is a private aircraft that is categorised as a long-range model because it has the capacity to fly nonstop for 7,900 nautical miles at a cruise speed of 0.85 times the earth’s gravitational acceleration. Not only that, but the payload capacity of this long-range private jet is practically 5,700 pounds, making it an extremely versatile aircraft. It is capable of producing almost 2,300 additional pounds of thrust than any other kind of private jet that is currently available on the market. To be more specific, the total amount of thrust it possesses is 16,500 pounds.
In addition to that, the Bombardier Global 8000 offers approximately 13 comfortable seating positions, allowing it to accommodate larger groups of passengers than its predecessor. In addition, the flight attendants are not counted among the thirteen passengers. This particular private jet is up for sale, and the asking price is 68.7 million dollars. In addition to having a high-speed transonic wing, the Global 8000 has a passport 20 engine as one of its components.
While it’s true that there are other long-range private jets that are capable of travelling at faster speeds, this particular private jet has more thrust power than the vast majority of other jets currently available on the market. In addition to this, the Bombardier Global 8000 has an operating altitude of 51,000 feet, which is higher than the majority of the other long-range private jets that are currently for sale.
2. Gulfstream G650ER
The Gulfstream G650ER is the extended-range version of the Gulfstream G650, and it is able to carry 4,000 additional pounds of fuel than its counterpart. The extended-range version of the Gulfstream G650 is also known as the Gulfstream G650ER. Because of the increase in the amount of fuel that the Gulfstream G650ER is capable of carrying, the aircraft now has a range of 7,500 nautical miles at its disposal. In addition to that, this ultra-long-range private jet has the capacity to accommodate up to 19 passengers, and that number does not include the members of the flight crew or any other crew members.
Because it is 47 feet long, the cabin of the Gulfstream Aerospace G650ER is able to provide its passengers with the highest possible level of comfort and luxury. To be more specific, the ceiling range of this long range private jet is 51,000 feet, and it can travel at a maximum speed of 710 miles per hour. Given this, it is able to complete a full circumnavigation of the world in just over 41 hours, which is longer than the majority of the other private jets that are currently available for purchase.
It can even compete with previously established speed records for city pairs. To be more specific, it is capable of meeting 22 of those requirements. The Gulfstream Aerospace G650ER can be purchased for $66.5 million, which is significantly less than the price of the vast majority of the other private jets currently for sale. However, its takeoff weight of 103,600 pounds is lower than the weight of some other private jets.
3. Dassault Falcon 8X
The Dassault Falcon 8X is one of the best and longest range private jets currently on the market. It has the capacity to travel a total of 7,422 nautical miles, making it one of the best and longest range private jets. It has a maximum operating speed of approximately 600 miles per hour, which is unfortunately a little bit slower than the speed of other long-range private jets. The Dassault Falcon 8X is very different from its predecessor, the Dassault Falcon 7X, in order to make up for this shortcoming.
To be more specific, this long range private jet has undergone a comprehensive redesign, and it now features an updated internal wing structure that has the capacity to reduce the overall weight of the wings. Because of this, the jet is able to travel at a faster speed than its competitor, the Dassault Falcon 7X, in addition to having a lower overall weight. The newly designed wing structure of the private jet not only reduces the overall weight of the aircraft, but it also makes it possible to load the aircraft with a greater quantity of fuel.
The Dassault Falcon 8X has a length of approximately 80 feet and a wing span of approximately 86.25 feet. Both of these dimensions pertain to its outward appearance. In addition, the private jet has a cabin with a length of 42.67 feet, but this measurement does not include the cockpit or the baggage compartment. In addition, the maximum weight that can be carried during takeoff by this jet is 73,000 pounds, while the maximum weight that can be carried during landing is 62,400 pounds.
4. Gulfstream G550
The Gulfstream G550, which is considered an improvement over the Gulfstream V, has a range of 7,768 miles and can maintain a cruise speed of 528 miles per hour throughout its entire journey. In addition to that, this long range private jet has established more than fifty city-pair speed records, which is a significant amount more than other long range private jets that are currently available on the market. It takes the Gulfstream Aerospace G550 just under 11 hours to fly from London to Tokyo thanks to the aircraft’s impressive range and convenient travel capabilities.
Because it is equipped with a Honeywell Advanced Flight Deck Display Suite, this long-range private jet gives its passengers the opportunity to travel in style and comfort regardless of the distance. In addition, this particular private jet has the capacity to carry a total of 19 passengers, which includes the flight crew as well as any additional crew members. In addition to that, it is propelled by a pair of Rolls-Royce BR710 C4-11 engines, and it is capable of reaching a top speed of Mach 0.885.
The maximum takeoff weight of the Gulfstream Aerospace G550 is 91,000 pounds, which is a small amount less than the maximum takeoff weight of other private jets currently available on the market. However, it has a high cruise altitude of 51,000 feet, which is beneficial for travelling at faster speeds because of the lower air resistance at that altitude.
5. Bombardier Global 6000
The Bombardier Global 6000 is considered an improvement over the Global Express XRS in terms of its capabilities. More specifically, it is referred to as the long range version of the Global Express XRS because it has a mile range of 6,905 and is capable of travelling a total of 6,000 nautical miles. In addition to this, the Bombardier Global 6000 has a total nonstop flight time of thirteen hours before it needs to take on additional fuel.
In addition, this long-range private jet provides its passengers with the highest possible level of luxury. It has a media bay that is both quick and dependable, and it also has access key cabin controls, which enable passengers to control the cabin by using access keys on tablets or remotes. As a result of the cabin’s length of 43 feet, there is also a substantial amount of space available for passengers.
Unfortunately, the maximum speed of operation for the Bombardier Global 6000 is only 587 miles per hour, which is a little slower than the maximum speed of operation for other types of long range private jets currently available on the market. However, it is able to travel for a longer period of time than a variety of other private jets, as it can move for a total of 13 hours without making any stops. To be more specific, the long-range private jet manufactured by Bombardier and designated as the Global 6000 is able to fly nonstop all the way from Colorado to England without having to make any stops for additional fuel.
6. Gulfstream G600
This particular long range private jet is considered to be one of the best long range jets because it has a top speed of Mach 0.925 and can travel a distance of 6,500 nautical miles. Additionally, it is faster than a significant number of the other long range private jets that are currently available on the market. The Gulfstream Aerospace G600 has the capacity to accommodate a total of 19 passengers, but this number does not exclude the members of the flight crew or any other crew members who are currently onboard the jet. This ultra-long-range private jet has the capacity to accommodate a total of nine passengers, all of whom have access to separate sleeping quarters within the aircraft.
This private jet has a maximum takeoff weight of 94,600 pounds, which is higher than the maximum takeoff weight of other long-range private jets by a significant margin. In addition to this, it is capable of reaching a maximum cruising height of 51,000 feet. In addition, the takeoff distance for this long-range jet is only about 5,500 feet, which is an advantage because it requires a shorter distance to liftoff than the majority of the other jets that are currently on the market. Last but not least, the Gulfstream Aerospace G600 can be yours for the low, low price of $54.5 million. This makes it significantly more affordable than other long-range jets.
7. Dassault Falcon 7X
Even though it’s a step down from the Dassault Falcon 8X, the Dassault Falcon 7X still manages to offer some of the finest qualities available in long-range private jets thanks to its parent company, Dassault. To be more specific, the maximum distance that this private jet is capable of travelling is 5,950 nautical miles. This particular private jet is capable of travelling at a maximum operating speed of Mach 0.80, which enables it to cover a shorter mile distance than some of the other private jets currently available on the market. Since this speed is the same as that of the Dassault Falcon 8X, it is not a significant step back in terms of overall performance.
In addition, the price of this long-range private jet is $52.8 million, which is less than the price of the majority of other long-range private jets currently available on the market. It also has a short-field and short-hop performance, which means that it is capable of performing just as well as other varieties of private jets that are available. Aside from the performance capabilities it possesses, this private jet is also able to provide an enhanced level of luxury for its passengers thanks to the fact that it possesses dual cabin sections and an operation that is both smooth and quiet.
In addition to that, the fuel efficiency of this private jet is 30% better than the fuel efficiency of other jets currently available on the market, and it comes equipped with both satellite TV and WiFi. In addition to that, the cabin of this private jet has temperature zones that can be adjusted as needed to ensure that the flight is pleasant for each and every passenger.
8. A Cessna Citation with a Longitude designation
This long range private jet has a maximum range of 3,500 nautical miles, which is a significant amount less than the range of other private jets currently available on the market; however, it compensates for this lack of range by providing each of its passengers with the opportunity to travel in the lap of luxury. Unfortunately, it is also outperformed by other private jets in its maximum speed, as it is only capable of travelling 548 mph, whereas other private jets are capable of travelling much faster. The fortunate thing is that this private jet has space for a total of 12 passengers, not counting the members of the crew.
In addition to that, the interior of this private jet is jet black, and it features fabricated furniture of the highest quality, which contributes to its stunning appearance. More specifically, the fabrics are paired with organic and earthy tones that help to relax the passengers throughout all of their travels. This helps to ensure that everyone has a pleasant experience. The Cessna Citation Longitude has a total length of 73 feet, a cabin length of 25 feet, and a wingspan that measures 68 feet. It also has a length of 73 feet when measured from nose to tail.
9. VIP Boeing 787 Dreamliner
The VIP Boeing 787-800 Dreamliner has the capacity to hold a total of 335 passengers, which is significantly higher than any of the other long range private jets on this list. This allows it to surpass all of the other private jets in terms of passenger capacity. Because it has high-domed ceilings, hardwood floors, and a full-size kitchen, this private jet is able to provide a high level of comfort for all of its passengers, despite the fact that it can accommodate a large number of travellers at once.
In addition to that, the Dreamliner is able to provide its passengers with a master suite, a washroom that is attached to the suite, a main lounge, and it even has a guest cabin for the convenience of its passengers. Tablets are also included in the cabin, each of which has the ability to control not only the lighting, audio, and window shades, but also the video monitors that are situated inside the cabin.
More than 9,300 miles can be flown on a single tank of fuel without the Dreamliner needing to make a pit stop for refuelling, putting it ahead of all of the other long-range private jets on this list. With a price tag of over $225 million, this private jet unfortunately has a much higher price tag than the majority of the other jets on this list.
10. Bombardier Global 7500
The Bombardier Global 7500 is a long range private jet that has a maximum range of 7,700 nautical miles. It has been categorised as a downgrade in comparison to the Bombardier Global 8000 and as an upgrade in comparison to the Bombardier Global 6000. In addition to this, the Bombardier Global 7500 has a maximum cruise speed of 610 miles per hour, making it significantly quicker than a significant portion of the other private jets that are featured on this list.
In addition, the wings of this private jet have been precision-engineered in order to have the highest possible level of flexibility, and it is also capable of making steep approaches, which allows it to outperform a significant number of other private jets. Aside from the performance specifications that are associated with this private jet, it is able to provide the highest possible level of luxury for all 19 of its passengers. For example, this private jet comes equipped with fly-by-wire technology, four true living spaces, a full-size kitchen, a dedicated crew suite, and even more luxuries than you can count on both hands.
In addition to this, the Bombardier Global 7500 features seats with a steep angle of recline called Nauge as well as a cabin that can be personalized to cater to the specific preferences of each individual passenger. To be more specific, it has floor plans, furnishings, permanent beds, and even a standup shower that can be customized to meet your needs. The total cost of acquiring this private jet is estimated to be $72.5 million.